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Brownie with peanuts

Hi, everybody, today we'll make a recipe that will please a lot of people... Laughing Out Loud

  • ingredients:

250g plain flour ;

¼ teaspoon ( coffee) salt;

300g of Chocolate 33% Cocoa ;

3 eggs;

1 tablespoon ( coffee) of water;

250g sugar ;

150 g of unsalted butter at room temperature ;

1 cup peanut in half without salt.

  • Preparation:

Sift the flour, cocoa and salt and set aside.

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Place the eggs and water in beater and blend for second

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Add sugar and butter, mix well to form a homogeneous mixture

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Add, always hitting the reserved dry mixture and beat just until to aggregate it

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Remove from beater, mix the peanut

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Place in 30x20 baking dish , greased and floured and bake in preheated moderate oven at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.

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Remove from oven and allow to cool on the grid

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Cut into squares

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As a suggestion put a cream ball of ice cream before serving

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Photos: by Luigi Torelli

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