Thinking well
As it is difficult to change or create new habits , is not we ?
It takes discipline , focus and purpose. If not , we weaken and to give up soon ... kkkkkkkkk .
How about creating a new habit of saving every day? Each one guard as you can. Take a pot , a piggy bank or anything that serves to save money.
Who can put U $ 1.00, will put this value daily in the piggy bank .
Later in the month you have U $ 30.00. In a year you have U $ 365.00 now you can buy household appliance or can continue saving ... In 10 years , you already have U $ 3,650.00 you can do many more things . For those who can save U $ 10.00 per day later this month has 300.00. At the end of the year U $ 3,650.00 and 10 years U $ 30,650.00 . And if you put your money in savings or application will have much more .
Let us wake up ! It is much better to buy with the money in hand than in installments