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If my JAC speak

It was Sunday , the weather was partly cloudy , we decided to visit the beach Carne de Vaca, in the municipality of Goiana / PE , is located about 60km from Recife , we took the Br 101 north and at the entrance to Ponta de Pedras in PE 49 we follow until you reach this beach of calm waters.

Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE
Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE

Carne de Vaca- PE

After a delicious lunch followed around trip to Recife and stopped in Tejucupapo district. This place has played host to a battle of Dutch and Brazilians in 1646, where Tejucupapo's women were called heroines . Armed only with hot water, pepper and pots pottery these warriors defended their lands




Photos: By Alcides Silva & Jacqueline Oliveira

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